About The Book

"In this story of the [Coeur d’Alene] tribe before [European] contact, there are any rewards and also lessons that may be even more important today than they were 300 years ago." — Coeur d'Alene Press

A family struggles to hold onto what is precious and sacred. Steeped in traditional culture and harmony with the natural world, this is the inspirational story of several generations of a band of the Schi'tsu'umsh Indians who lived in a vast region that became eastern Washington, northern Idaho, and western Montana. The story draws from the band's rich oral history from the early 1700s. This rich and intriguing tale relates events as seen through the eyes of a boy named Sun Bear and his sister, Rainbow Girl, whose family struggles to find peace and hold onto what is precious and sacred.

Publication Date: 2011—Second edition
Publisher: Epicenter Press
ISBN: 978-1- 935347-09- 5
6 x 9, soft cover & Ebook
296 pages
Book Facts: $17.95 U.S trade paperback from Amazon
$9.99 Ebook, available for KindleNook, Kobo, Overdrive, iBook and other ebook vendors like Indiebound.com and Smashwords.
Includes Readers’ Guide for Adults, and for Teachers and Students